Monday, August 17: 2Thessalonians 2- Stand firm, tough days are ahead.

Troubled by false reports, the Thessalonians are upset. Paul sets them straight, explaining that tough days are ahead, days when God’s enemy will rule here on earth. The enemy will seek to dupe people into following him through signs and wonders. He will work to get all religions to recognize that he is supreme.

I can only image that will be one interesting time. It sounds like it might be a time of surface unity as people fall in step with the deceiver who ‘wows’ them with miracles and talk. With mass media today it is easy to gain a world-hearing.

To the nervous church in Thessalonica Paul says. So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter (15).

Paul’s word to them works well as a word to me (to us). Stand firm and hold fast to God’s teachings, for us today, God’s teachings are the words of Scripture.

My safety from false religious thoughts and ideas, from imposters, from all manner of misguided ‘truth proclaimers’ is a solid personal footing in God’s Word. The better I know what God has actually said, the stronger I will be in Christ as false ideas spread.

Signs and wonders coveted by so many in the Christian faith can be counterfeited. (This is a lesson seen way back in Moses day when Pharaoh’s magicians could perform some of Moses’ signs from God.) What offers me (and you) lasting security is God’s Word. God’s Word will stand the test of time and is the firm faith foundation.

Thank You, Lord God, for Your Word. It is one thing to have it in my possession (i.e. own a bible). It is another to take God’s Word into my life through reading, study, meditation and prayer. Lord, I dedicate myself to do just that… read, study, meditate on and pray Your Word. Thanks and bless You, Lord, for giving us Your forever true Word. Amen.


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