Monday, August 10: 1Thessalonians 1- Is every god or higher power equal? .

My thoughts were drawn to the final sentences of the chapter. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath (7-10).

Is every god or higher power equal? Does it matter what ‘faith’ you follow or does a person just need to be spiritual? In the end does it matter at all if you had any spiritual faith or does everyone receive the same fate simply by virtue of being human? These and similar questions erupted as I read and re-read the 4 sentences above and particularly the last sentence.

They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.

As I stare at this sentence I begin to answer the questions that erupted. No, not every ‘god’ or higher power is equal. Yes, it matters what faith someone follows; being spiritual (whatever that means) is not enough. Again, YES, it matters… a person’s fate hangs on whether they turn from idols or ‘gods’ to the Living and True God, who is known through faith in Jesus Christ, who rescues those who believe in Him from the coming wrath.

What a person believes and who a person believes in, MATTERS. Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus to those in Macedonia and Achaia and the Thessalonians received it, believed it and spread it.

Will you receive, entertain and consider the Gospel message of Jesus… that He came to rescue you from your sins?

Will you believe it?  Will you truly and honestly put your faith in Jesus? Will you follow Him as a disciple and live for Him because he is Lord and God of your life? This also means you have to forsake any other gods you ever believed in.

Will you live in such a way that your faith becomes known everywhere and as a result other people are drawn to faith in Jesus?

Think about it…

O, God, thank You for making Yourself known and for inviting me and others to put our faith in You… Thank You for rescuing us from the wrath we deserve through faith in Jesus. Help me, Lord, to live for You so that others see You in me and come to faith in You, Jesus. In Your name, I pray. Amen.



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