Friday, September 18: 1John 4- Love.

God’s first touch came this morning through the simplest of phrases… ‘Dear friends.’ God inspired John to have such an easy going style in this letter. I come away with the sense that this is a fireside chat between friends. John, the older wiser friend, is imparting his seasoned wisdom to his younger buds. There is no harshness in this letter, no confrontation. Instead it is filled with genuine concern… Here’s what I know. Here’s what I have learned. Here is truth about God and God’s way.

This speaks to me.

An older, wiser person in the faith clarifying things of the faith to younger folks in the faith…

I am the younger person in the faith and John’s words are piercing right to my heart. And John clarifies understanding about Jesus and the importance of love.

Jesus is real, He came in the flesh and is from God and is the son of God. And love, particularly for one another in the faith, is to be expected. Love is how God deals with us and love is how we should deal with others. LOVE… which first comes from and is modeled by God… is the way we should live.

Love is the hallmark of genuine faith in the genuine Jesus.

Wow, there is my one sentence take away for today… Love is the hallmark of genuine faith in the genuine Jesus. That’s a statement I can chew on for the day…

Thank You, Lord God, for the simple truth of Jesus.   Thank you, Jesus, for expressing and living Your Love for us, asking us in turn to love You and others in gratitude for You already loving us. Thank You and praise You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen.


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