Wednesday, September 2: Colossians 3- Changed forever.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things (1-2).

This is the essence of God’s Word to us through Paul in today’s chapter. As believers we are filled by God in order to live differently. And the differences will be noticeable.

The ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ of our new living are no surprise. In fact they are spoken of elsewhere. Very little is original to the Colossians.

Even now, centuries after theses words were penned, the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ remain pertinent.

I think of the ‘Don’ts’ as guardrails on the highway… they protect me from careening off the path and crashing.

I scan the ‘Don’ts’ again (5-11); they are not the character traits I look for in friends. This makes sense.  I don’t want these traits in my life so why hang around people who have them?  I don’t feel as if they are shackles. Generally speaking life would be better if everyone guarded their lives from these ‘Don’ts’… and prisons would certainly be less crowded!

Similarly the ‘Do’s’ (pretty much the rest of the chapter, verses 12-25) make sense. And the world again would be a much better place if everyone lived as these verses suggest.

What I recognized is that God’s way, accessible for all who are in Christ because we have God’s Spirit and power within us, isn’t some kooky way to live; it is a beautiful way to live.

Now on to living it…

I re-read the ‘Do’s’ and set my heart to live this way… today and all my todays. I know I will be imperfect in this living. Yet may God be glorified as I do.

God help me to live as You call me to live… through Jesus, by the Spirit’s power, for your glory, Father. Amen.


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