Thursday, September 3: Colossians 4- Counter-cultural living.

I love all the greetings and the ‘I’m thankful for this person and that person’ that so often ends Paul’s letters. I understand that communication was more difficult, as was maintaining relationships over large distances, back in Paul’s day. Even so there is a special quality to these greetings that touches me.

Paul is not a ‘lone ranger Christian’. Even though he is generally on the move, he remains connected with people who genuinely love and care for him.

And ministry is never about him. Paul is encouraging, calling, blessing and greeting others constantly, inviting them into ministry, spurring them on in ministry and so forth. And when some glory comes his way, he deflects it appropriately to Jesus.

Ministry for Paul is about God’s glory and the work of God’s people.

These were the qualities that seeped into my soul today…

Do I give all glory, laud and honor to my God –Father, Jesus, Spirit?

Do I lift others up?

Do I crave honor and recognition for myself, or am I willing to share it with others?

Simple ideas, yet so counter-cultural in the ‘me-focused’ world in which I live.

Lord, I pray that my life is a glory producer for You and never a life that steals glory for myself. To You all praise and honor belong. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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