Friday, June 15: 1Corinthians 14- It is not about me (you).

Some mornings I find myself pondering specifics from in my Bible reading.  Other mornings I find myself considering more about the whole statement. Today is a latter morning.

There is much in this chapter that can be parsed and dissected. Still after completing my reading and a few silent moments I noticed two larger themes.

As I see it we, Christ-followers, have a seminal decision to make. We can seek the 'show,' displays of power and spiritual gifts that while potentially helping others is more about elevating self , showing off or gaining honor as a 'spiritual person.' In this chapter this attitude is found in people who speak on and on in tongues in worship, having their euphoric moment and appearing to all the others as spiritual, but not actually spurring others on to love and good deeds (1-14). In this chapter this attitude is found in people who speak prophetic words, ignoring that the Spirit has moved on from them to others who have God's anointing to help the body (29-31). Even the issue of women speaking and asking questions can be understood in this light. While I do not understand the cultural ethic at play, the point seems to be that these women were disrupting things, creating a display or show and not actually helping the body grow in understanding God's way and will.

To each of these behaviors that place personal displays above the body, learning and growing or new people coming to faith, Paul counters with 'consider the body' and 'consider the seeker.' The underlying principle in this chapter seems to be the body gathered together is more important that any personal recognition. The learning and growth of the body is more important than any personal recognition or display of gifts. Seekers being convicted of sin and coming to faith is more important than personal wants or displays of spirituality. Finally, life in the body of Christ has each member doing her or his part rather than a few showing off.

Recalling the flow of chapters 12-14 a consistency appears. Chapter 12, gifts given for the common good (12:7), and all parts of the body are important (12:12-31). Chapter 13:4-8, the way of love  patient, kind. not envious, not boastful, not proud does not dishonor others, and so on. 

And today's chapter, see the other people in the gathered assembly, live for the others in the gathered assembly…

Moving to my life, the Spirit begins to query, "How much of the gathered assembly, Bill, do you want to be about you? Focus your eyes on those I bring to the gathering and help them grow. Use what I have given you for their good, not your pleasure."

I am stopped in my tracks…

Oh God, Oh God, may I never do things for show or personal gain, especially things in Your name. I pray through my Savior, Jesus. Amen.


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