Saturday, June 16: 1Corinthians 15- Resurrection.

Resurrection is central to the faith. Paul makes and incredible statement in verse 19. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. If there is no resurrection, Paul says we are the ones who should be pitied.

Pitied… yes. If there is no resurrection we have lived a lie, preached a lie, and witnessed to a lie.

Resurrection sets things straight. Those in Christ live with God forever. God's justice prevails. Evil is finally and decisively defeated.

Most people live life without thinking much about death and afterlife. We live as if this life is the only life. Most do this, that is, until they near the end of life. I have seen it dozens of times, faced with one's mortality our questions change. We wonder and think, is there more???

Not long ago I stood at the graveside of a dear Christ follower. Her family hung to her faith believing, they as believers, will see her again in eternity. And they will! If I am wrong, if she and her family are wrong than If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

But don't pity me… because Christ was raised from the dead! And I, along with all who put their faith in Jesus Christ, will be raised, too!

Halleluiah. Amen! Thank You, Lord. What a delight to contemplate resurrection! Amen and amen.


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