Saturday, June 23: 2Corinthians 5- Appointed ambassador.

This chapter is a feast of meditative inspiration. Lord, where would you have me pause and ponder?

We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (20-21).

An ambassador is appointed by the head of state to represent her/him in dealing with the people to whom the ambassador is sent. The ambassador's voice in not his/her own, rather the ambassador is to speak as the regent would have them speak.

In the USA's political system senators and representatives are elected by the people to vote their (the elected official's) conscience. Not so an ambassador. An ambassador does not speak his/her mind, but rather is a mouthpiece for the regent.

We are Christ's ambassadors, therefore we represent Him. The words we speak should be His words. Our actions should be His actions. It is as if looking through us, people see Christ. As Paul says, it is as though God were making his appeal through us. What a responsibility! Christ is making His appeal to the world to believe in Him through us!!!

Thursday's poem, pops back into my mind… 'Tis the only gospel some men will read, This gospel according to you.

Today, as I go about my life, I am representing Christ. Today as I live, I am an ambassador for Jesus. And the same is true tomorrow and the next day and the next… This is a 24/7/365, for the rest of my life, responsibility… for all of us who call Jesus Lord.

Oh, Lord, only in Your power can I do this. Only by staying close to You can I know what to say and how to act so that You are seen and heard in me. Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, help me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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