Saturday, August 4: Proverbs 28- God isn't some genie.

      I read verse 9 as if it were a word directly from the Lord. If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.

That is one strong word and a tremendous reminder that the Lord desires consistency and relationship in His dealing with human beings… me!

God isn't some genie in a bottle… I rub 'His' side and then He grants me whatever wishes I want! NO. God offers us the opportunity to live in relationship with Him. Living in relationship means we can be in regular connection and communication with the Lord. We speak to and listen to the Lord. He listens to and speaks with us. WOW! Is that amazing or what? We get to live in true relationship with the God of the Universe!!!

This proverb reminds me that it is a relationship of unequals. I, a mere human, am invited into relationship with the Lord God Almighty. Because the Lord is God when He speaks I need to pay attention. To turn a deaf ear to the Lord's instruction is to step out of relationship and into rebellion. And when I am in rebellion I should not presume God will answer my prayers. The proverb even calls the prayer of the rebellious detestable! That's a strong word.

And that is not something I want to hear. So my response to this word is to check my relationship with the Lord. Am I listening to and obeying His instructions? Do I attend to His Word when I read the Scriptures? Do I attend to His Word as I converse with Him throughout the day?

How about you???

Lord, I want to live in communion and relationship with You. I want to hear Your voice and live accordingly. Forgive me when I do less. When I yawn rather than pay attention to Your voice. Forgive me when I am too busy to do what You ask. Forgive me when I am less of the man You desire and have made me to be. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.


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