Friday, June 24: Job 37- God of wonders.

I sit here early in the morning, no one else in my house is awake. All is quiet except for the white noise hum of my computer fan. My yard dances with every shade and hue of green as trees and shrubs and plants begin to sparkle as morning light fills the sky and light shafts sneak between branches creating bright spots and shadows. I slide open the large door to my porch, cool air tumbles in and my feet, clad in sandals, tingle with the cool air. Birds sing a morning cantata and squirrels and chipmunks scamper silently here and there.  Red, blue, violet and white flowers dot our gardens and light blue sky shine in the tree breaks.  It is an absolutely beautiful morning.

Where does all this come from? Is it really just chance, random mutations growing out of primordial ooze? Really, that’s the answer?

I pick up and read.  Like Elihu my heart pounds at the thought of God. Verse 14 lands as a gift in my lap. "Listen to this, Job (or Bill, feel free to insert your name); stop and consider God's wonders. Funny, that’s what I was just doing, considering the wonders of God. Nature cries to me of a creator. Tell me one place in life where beauty just happens to pop out of chaos or ooze. A few weeks ago we had an art hanging by one of our members at my church. A dozen or more canvases painted with vibrant color, strokes and swirls, shading and splashes, each canvas telling its own story. There was nothing random about it. Thought and patience and creativity and skill and so much more went into the creation of each canvas. Nature is God’s canvas. I accept Elihu’s call to consider the wonders of God.

I read on, Elihu’s words end with these thoughts: The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. Therefore, men revere him, for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart?" (23-24). My heart and soul cry, “YES!”

O, God, I revere You. I honor You. I delight in You. I marvel at You. Right now I am silent before You. I love You.

O, God,  I give my life to You who created the wondrous canvas of life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.



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