Tuesday, June 14: Job 28- Fear the Lord; shun evil.

In a masterful monologue Job builds an imagery rich highway to his finale… And he [God] said to man, 'The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding'" (28).

Soak in those words; soak as one luxuriating in a hot tub after a long day. Allow those words to be hammered into and shape your soul, as a silversmith hammers and shapes fine silver into exquisite jewelry. Let Job’s words work on you like a deep massage working the kinks and knots out of your tired muscles…

And [God] said to man, 'The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.'"

I repeat it one last time for my sake… 'The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.'

One more time in yet another abbreviated form… fear the Lord, shun evil.

Savor this word from the Lord.  Ingest it that it may form and strengthen you…

O God, may I be more than a listener to Your Word.  May I be a doer, a liver of Your Word. Teach me true fear, true reverence for You so that I give more than lip service and a head nod to Your absolute greatness. Show me the ugly side of evil that I may be repulsed.  Give me conviction beyond the ‘amen’ of this prayer to shun and reject evil in all its degrees.

To You and for You, I pledge my lifelong devotion and service. In and through Jesus and by the power of the Spirit I pray. Amen.


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