Thursday, June 2: Job 18- Talk about a beat down

Talk about a beat down, from his first syllable to his last, Bildad shreds Job. Job is the ‘evil’ man of verse 21: Surely such is the dwelling of an evil man; such is the place of one who knows not God. According to Bildad, circumstances and station of a person’s life show how close he/she is to God. Wealth, fame and fortune indicate closeness to God. Ruin, trouble and sickness is punishment from God.

I sat for a moment and wondered if I used that formula, what it would say about the world? Have it all people like Donald Trump, sheiks from oil-rich nations and William & Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of York = close to God. Hunger ravaged and/or AIDS infected masses of Africa, inner city poor, civilians maimed by the crossfire of war = know not God.

It is neat and tidy, but oh so misguided.

Even as I write this, I observe vestiges of this kind of thinking in my life and my world. It is all to easy for me to create ‘we vs. them’ scenarios, lumping people and judging entire groups not knowing one of them… not understanding the forces applied against them… judging people by exteriors.

O, God, these attitudes within me are not right. These kinds of attitudes are filled with and grow from sin still resident in my life. Forgive me, Lord, and even more cleanse me. Help me live up to You word spoken through Micah the prophet: He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.





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