Friday, March 2: 2Chronicles 24- A bad about face.

There is an ominous comment at the start of the chapter. Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years of Jehoiada the priest (2). Certainly this statement proved true by the end of the chapter. After Jehoiada’s death Joash goes off the rails leaving the Lord and seeking after other gods (see 17-27).

I know this happens. I think of Jim Jones, who started out as an orthodox preacher but drifted so far from the Lord and the Bible that he orchestrated a mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana in 1978. Many others in less dramatic fashion slide away from the Lord into heresy.

As I thought about the influence Jehoiada had upon Joash two trails emerged. One was the positive effect Jehoiada had on Joash and I wondered who has positive effects like that on me? Then I wondered if there is anyone I affect positively. Secondly, I wondered why Jehoiada’s influence never took root in Joash. And if he didn’t truly believe what Jehoiada was saying, why did he follow? After all Joash was king.

Honestly, I am struggling with Joash’s complete about face.

I guess if people can convert to God, they can ‘convert’ away from God, too. But how does that happen? And more importantly, what can I do to keep that from happening in me, and people I love and people I pastor???

The text doesn’t have any answers, only raises questions, which drive me to my knees.

Oh, God, protect me. Protect those I love and those I pastor. Show me how I might live so that I can be a Jehoiada to others. But, Lord, show me also how to help people bring love and devotion of You deeply into their hearts.

Lord, not for people to simply follow me, but that they and I would be truly transformed by You in our inner most being. I pray this, Lord, in Jesus my Savior’s name. Amen.


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