Monday, March 5: 2Chronicles 26- .

The writer of Proverbs reminds us; Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). Uzziah is a poster child for this proverb. His pride led to his downfall (16). But interestingly his pride led him to offer incense before the Lord, a task only priests were to do.

I pondered Uzziah’s actions.

At the outset I absolutely understand that sin is sin, good motives or not. And Uzziah sinned. He did something that was forbidden to non-priests. We cannot truly comment on his motives, but the chronicler suggests it was built on pride, which is not good or honorable. What I found so interesting is that his pride shows itself with regard to worship. Uzziah’s pride didn’t cause him to worship other gods, but rather to worship God but in a manner reserved only for priests.

I am trying to wrap my thoughts around this…

Our pride can cause us to worship God inappropriately. What a fascinating idea.

I don’t believe we have an inner sanctuary today, as Israel did, that is forbidden for the average person to enter. But possibly pride could cause me to think I have gifts I do not have, thus using them might be wrong. As I thought about this, I was reminded of Paul’s word in 1Timothy about elders that they must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited [prideful] and fall under the same judgment as the devil (1Timothy 3:6).

I have never really pondered worshipping or serving God in a prideful manner because it can be wrong and lead to dire consequences.

As with most times with the Lord, a shift happens when God begins to probe me in my areas of mediation and pondering. Am I somehow serving or worshipping in a prideful manner…

Oh, God, I pray not. But if in any way I am guilty of this please show me so that I may repent and be forgiven. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 


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