Thursday, March 15: 2Chronicles 35- Are you leaving a faith-filled legacy.


Death comes to everyone, even great and faithful kings like Josiah or great spiritual leaders like Billy Graham. It is hard to tell from the account whether Josiah died for a good cause or out of ego. It seems he didn't have to fight Necho, king of Egypt but there may have been extenuating circumstances that we don't know about. For example, maybe Necho was after someone else, but after winning that battle was coming back after Judah and Josiah thought he had the best advantage to fight now. Anyway the text is silent on Josiah's motive.

Whatever the case, Josiah dies as a result of an archer's arrow. We all die. The good, the bad and the ugly all die.

While Josiah may have had hopes and dreams unfulfilled, he had lived a good and meaningful life honoring the Lord and living faithfully. His life touched many others for good and for God.

Sitting here I am wondering if the same could be said about me and my life. How about you and your life? Since our lives are not yet over, we can work at touching others for Jesus… We may not have a famous poet write a lament upon our death, but if we live faithfully then we will hear the words 'well done good and faithful servant' when we enter eternity. And that will be worth much more!

Think about it…

May the words of my mouth and the deeds of my life be pleasing in Your sight, Oh God, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen.


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