Monday, April 2: Romans 14- Disputable matters.

My take away for chapter 14 is simply stated, 'don't judge other believers or quarrel with them over disputable matters'. Easier written than lived.

To live this I need to first define what a 'disputable matter' is and this is where I ponder today. As I consider this phrase I would say a disputable matter is…

First, we have to consider what are 'non-critical faith matters'.  I flip this considering what are indisputable matters… like the saving work of Jesus Christ, the Trinity and the like. They remain indisputable matters. They are not something over which Christ followers can disagree. They are essential… the matters which define the Christian faith. Therefore, disputable matters are secondary matters. Paul mentions two, what we can and cannot eat and sacredness of special days. Clearly these are non-salvific matters, thus they would be considered disputable.

A second case of disputable matters could be something over which true students of God's Word can disagree. There are other non-salvific matters over which the church has been divided for centuries. I think of the mode or baptism or how to describe Christ's presence in the sacrament of Communion. Rather than judging one another, allow people to hold their biblical positions and treat them as sisters and brothers in the faith. (Please note:  I spoke about true students of God's Word. God's Word is the source of our faith. I am not speaking about concocting things that I want to believe because I want to believe them. We are bound to God's Word and there are issues of interpretation where faith-filled believers might differ.)

Across the span of the church there are any number of disputable matters which divide. So be it. I don't anticipate being given the ability to bring the various sides together so that they have one view. However, I can work to remind sisters and brothers of different strips that Christ died for all and He alone is our center and source.

I guess another way I could live this chapter is to work toward living as sisters and brothers in Christ remembering we are all on Jesus' team and the disputable matter differences we have are not worth destroying fellowship.

Lord, on this Monday after Resurrection Sunday, how can I live as a unifier rather than divider of Your Church? I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


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