Wednesday, April 4: Romans 16- So many people.

I love this chapter of the Bible. I know that is quirky, but I love the list of all the names. If my count is correct there are 35 people named in this chapter. Of those 35 I recognize 3 of them from other NT passages. So we meet 32 new people in this chapter, all of whom have helped or touched Paul's life and ministry in some way.

Often reading the NT I get the impression, except for a helper here and there, Paul was a lone ranger, sharing Jesus around the world as a one-man evangelism tour de force. Reading this chapter reminds me that none of us are lone rangers, not even Paul. We all need others. In big ways and small ways we all need other people to help us manage the way of life.

We don't know how all these brothers and sisters worked with Paul or what they did, but Paul's words make it clear how hard they worked for the Lord God.

We may not know anything other than their name listed here, but God knows. And the Gospel message would likely not have reached my ears and heart without thousands of men and women who faithfully lived for the Lord.

And this is part of my love for this chapter. Beyond the headlines and headliners of the New Testament are hundreds and thousands of faithful people serving Jesus here and there and everywhere. The sum of their efforts is what propels the Gospel around the globe.

When my life is over, no one will write a book about me. My memory will fade into the ether. But by God's grace, the Gospel will have been advanced and people will have been loved and pointed to Jesus. That is what truly matters.

It takes all hands faithfully working at the tasks God assigns to advance the Gospel and fulfill God's commission to take the name of Jesus to the ends of the earth. And every Christ follower gets to play her or his God ordained role.

What will God have you do for Him, His glory, will and kingdom today?

Oh, Lord, may I put my heart and soul into every task You send my way today. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.


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