Saturday, December 8: Malachi 1- The best or not at all.

My talk with the Lord this morning revolved around the second section (verses 6-14). For me this section was summarized in verse 14 "Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord. For I am a great king," says the LORD Almighty, "and my name is to be feared among the nations.

God wants us to give our best to Him or nothing at all.

The picture Malachi paints is a clear bait and switch. The people have choice flocks, which they say they will offer to God, but at the time of the offering they substitute a lesser deformed animal. God says “NO WAY, your best or nothing!”

I don’t use animal sacrifice, thankfully, so where does this touch my life? Do I talk myself into writing a lower amount on my weekly giving check because I think I can skate by? Is my devotional/prayer time with the Lord during my best time of the day or at some other time so that I can use my best time for work or play?

These are the kinds of thoughts I entertained as I listened to the Holy Spirit breath life into this text for me. Am I giving God my best or my leftovers???

Lord, You are God Almighty. Clearly You deserve the best. As Malachi says, ‘Would you give that to the governor?’  Forgive me when I choose to give You other-than my best, when I substitute something less than my best to You.

Wash me clean so that my life will honor You above everything else. Amen.


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