Saturday, December 29: Philippians 3- Rejoicing as a safeguard.

I love the opening sentence… Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you (1). I particularly appreciate the final 6 words.
Rejoicing as a ‘safeguard.’ Hmmm, that is a though worth pondering.
What is it about rejoicing that causes it to be a safeguard? When I rejoice my heart lightens. It soars. I find myself in a positive emotional place. (Or is it that I am in a positive place so I rejoice? I suspect it can happen both ways.) These are all good things, which safeguard me from depression and negativity. This is certainly one way rejoicing provides a safeguard.
Another thing for me is that rejoicing in me grows when I focus on the positive. Rejoicing comes when I count my blessings, when I pay attention to the big and small touches of God’s gracious hand in my life.
When I am in the midst of a problem or storm, life stinks. But experience has shown me that even then God’s gracious hand is active in my life and I can see it if I look. During Hurricane Sandy, the wind roared, the tide rose, huge trees fell and the power went out all around our area. A couple of days after the storm I visited with a dozen people in our church hit hard by Sandy. Over and over again people shared stories of small and not so small graciousness from the hand of God. In one place many trees were down but somehow they all fell around and between houses with no significant damage to life or home. Others mentioned that the weather was unseasonably warm so being without power wasn’t causing them to be too cold. Others were thankful they had friends they could stay with, and so went many of the comments. Devastation lay all around us, yet most folks were able to be thankful for something and to rejoice in those often little gifts from God. This is another way rejoicing is a safeguard.
I can always rejoice in Jesus, my Savior. Certainly this is a safeguard for my soul and life.
And so my morning went as I thought about rejoicing as a safeguard…
Lord, as I sit for my remaining time, I am counting my blessings and giving You thanks and rejoicing in who You are and how You touch my life for good in so many ways…
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation. O my soul praise Him for He is my help and Salvation! All you who hear, now to his temple draw near, join me in glad adoration. …
A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing!...
Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see….
Lord God, Father, Jesus, Spirit, my heart rejoices in You my God! Alleluia Amen.

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