Friday, May 4: Job 20- Soaring the heights of mercy.

And so the story continues, "second verse same as the first." Job and his friends are set in this reoccurring loop. Good people prosper. Wicked people eventually are exposed. Job, the fact that your life has totally fallen apart means you are exposed. You must be a wicked person, 'fess up.

Such is the fate [your fate, the horrors that have befallen you] God allots the wicked, the heritage appointed for them by God (29).

My heart is heavy bearing this thought. I can only imagine the weight Job and his friends felt living in a time when this was the understanding of God!

I am so glad that I live under the New Covenant, under the message of Jesus, which proclaims…

It is true that we ALL have sinned and that God punishes sin. BUT God has paid the sin penalty for all who put their fate in Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to pay the cost of sin… my sin, your sin, the sin of the world. The penalty has been paid; all one needs to do is receive the gift of forgiveness, freedom and redemption from Jesus… to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and believe on Him in their hearts and salvation comes to them (read Romans).

So where I began bearing the weight of life under the yoke of performance and perfection or God will get you. I finish soaring the heights of grace and mercy, where God redeems me through the love and sacrifice of Jesus, who is God incarnate who lived among us for a while (see John 1:1-2, 5-vv)

Oh, Jesus, I am so thankful and full of blessing because You came, died and were raised to life again, canceling my debt of sin. Oh, Father God, thank you for willing from the beginning of time that salvation could be found in Jesus, Your son, our Lord. Oh, Holy Spirit, thank You for opening my eyes to the truth of Jesus and enabling me to receive the wonders of salvation and for walking with me the road of discipleship.

Bless You, Jesus, Father, Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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