Monday, May 7: Job 22- God did not let go.

Reading Eliphaz's response makes me feel a bit like I am experiencing 'Groundhog Day' over and over again. Eliphaz and his friends keep saying the same things only making them more pointed. There simply is no evidence that Job did the things listed in verses 6-9.

Lord, where is the kernel of truth that can carry me for the day? Where O Lord is a word from you?

All I can fathom is that even when lies are told about you (or to you), hold on to the Lord. Don't give up on God even when people speaking the lies are God's children. God knows the truth about you.

Lord, this chapter raises memories from my earlier life. You were there, when others left me and allowed untrue gossip to be spoken about me. I thank you, Lord, that Your stood with me and never let me go. Praise You, Lord. Praise You. Amen.


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