Tuesday, May 1: Job 17- Is there someone who needs a friend?.

Job is a broken man. Apparently the trials of his life and the words of his friends have taken their toll. My spirit is broken, my days are cut short, the grave awaits me, he cries out in verse 1.

Despair is overtaking him…

Even the best of us can fold under life's pressure. Even the most faithful person can lose hope. This seems to be Job's lot.

How sad Job's situation. It is in moments of despair that we need our friends the most. And as Job noted last chapter what we need from friends at those times is encouragement. Sadly his friends seem to be doing just the opposite.

I am wondering if there are friends of mine who need a pick me up. I am wondering if the Lord is providing this insight because there is someone in my circle who needs a friend, a positive word, a smile, a hug…

Oh, Lord God, help me to be empathetic toward my family, friends and acquaintances. Lead me, Oh Holy Spirit, to bring salve for their wounds and peace –Your peace –to their heart. May I be a friend in the best sense of the word. Lead me Lord to be Your hands, feet, mouth and heart to the hurting world around me. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.


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