Thursday, April 26: Job 13- Trust in God.

The chapter speaks loudly about the heart of Job. He wants a hearing before God. He wants to state his case and then let God judge. Amazingly his reverence for God has not waned but remained steadfast.

Verse 15 captures the flavor of the chapter. Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.

How many times during a trial or difficult time do I long for a face to face with God.

Though he believes he will be vindicated, Job's desire is to speak directly with God. What touches my heart is that Job is willing to accept whatever God says. His hope in God remains strong. Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.

To my thinking that is faith.

Chapters ago his wife counseled him, "Curse God and die." He would not do that then and still he will not. Job trusts God. Job trusts in God. This has not changed despite the horrors he is going through.

Will I be likewise faithful? Will I continue to trust God and trust in God no matter what His hand allows to come my way? I pray so…

Oh, God, Job stood on the rock of faith… Job hurt, he wondered, he wanted answers but he never stopped believing in and serving You. I pray for the faith to hold on, for the spiritual strength to never let go and to be a man after Your own heart. Through Jesus, my Savior, I pray. Amen.



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