Tuesday, April 24: Job 11- God the master designer.

Zophar reminds us of some profound truths about God. "Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens above—what can you do? They are deeper than the depths below—what can you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea (7-9).

God's ways are so much higher than our ways. In our wildest most advanced thoughts we cannot approach the wisdom of God. This is true.

As I sit in stillness this morning with nature waking up around me it is good to be reminded of the greatness of God. Even as the collective brainpower of humankind gains understanding into nature and answers some of the mysteries of past ages, there is so much that we do not know. And we have yet to mine the mystery of beginnings. All our theories begin with something; where, however, did the something come from.

I am thinking about the collective human knowledge, even less, no one person knows all of the collective knowledge accumulated by humanity.

All of this is to say I sit and marvel at God… His wonder.

A little over a week ago my wife planted tiny seeds starting our summer garden. After just a few days of water and sun tiny sprigs began pushing their heads through the soil. Oh, science can explain the process, but did it really just happen and evolve without any mastermind behind architecting the grand scheme and the various systems?

A ministry I work with is building a chapel on a mountainous retreat center in North Carolina. Hours and hours have been spent with architects, landscape architects and others to create a building that fits the land and draws us to God. It didn't just 'happen.' As I look out to nature I see the hand of the grand architect, God, and I am so thankful and blessed that God's ways and thoughts are higher than mine or even the collective human brain power.

I fall before God, joyfully worshipping Him Who is supreme, eternal and approachable through faith in Jesus.

Alleluia… God, I praise You. Alleluia… God, I worship You, magnificent, eternal, all wise and all knowing. I surrender all to You. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


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