Saturday, May 5: Job 21- Can anyone teach knowledge to God .

Job continues his dialogue with his friends rebutting Zophar's latest assertions. In short Job replies, looks around.  Some wicked live a full life while some good folks die in despair…

This certainly is true today. Earthly prosperity is no indicator of faithfulness to the Lord.

As I scanned the chapter a second time my eyes and heart were drawn to verse 22. A simple statement about God, Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since he judges even the highest? It was an open door to pondering and meditating upon the greatness, the bigness, the transcendence of God.

Recently I have been reading "The Deepest Well Healing, the long-term effects of childhood adversity" by Nadine Burke Harris, MD. This is not a Sunday leisure read.  Rather it chronicles Dr. Harris' fascinating journey exposing and then charting a way forward in treating the long-term effects that severe adversity wreaks upon children.  In this book I was exposed to the concept of epigenetics. Significant adversity can alter a person's DNA causing generational changes. I do not understand this science enough to explain it.

What hit me as I read was the complexity of the human body and the interplay between one human bodily system and another system as science learns more and more about the amazing complexity of the human body. For me these learnings reinforce my appreciation for and admiration of God who designed it all in the first place. The more complex and interrelated all these systems are the more appreciation I have for God as the Creator. To believe that all these systems within systems 'happened' through the chance of evolution independent of God is foolishness to me. The Mac computer on which I am typing right now is evidence of intelligent design. No one in their right mind would say it just 'happened' through some random circumstances.

I have also read recently biographies of Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison and Nicolai Tesla. Their brilliance and hard work shaped our world with incredible art, inventions and technological advances. Everyone who looks at the Mona Lisa thinks about the brilliance and ability of Da Vinci. Art historians explain the way Da Vinci mastered perspective and studied human anatomy so he could render the curl of the human lips in a smile. Design demands intelligence.

The more I read and discover the complexity of our world and the human body the more I believe in God. I marvel in God being so far beyond me (us) as humans. My heart cries with Job, Can anyone teach knowledge to God…

I look out my window upon nature and see the Lord's handiwork. I look at my hand as it types and I see the Lord's handiwork. I recall the Aurora Borealis I witnessed in Iceland and see the handiwork of the Lord.

To ponder the greatness of God puts my heart at rest, Thanks to faith in Jesus I have experienced God's love, forgiveness and care. I am at ease placing my life and my eternal life in God's hands.

Thank you, Job, for sparking these meditations on the wonder of God.

Praise and bless You, Oh God –Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Halleluiah. Amen.


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