Thursday, March 31 Exodus 16- Gift and indicator.

Verse 16 …In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.

Manna played two roles in the life of Israel during the years in the desert.

First it was gift. Manna was God’s provision to keep the million plus Israelites alive and well fed during their journey. Every day God provided manna. As the evening dew evaporated in the sunlight, manna formed and Israelites could gather and cook food for the day.

But manna was also a test, a test to see if Israel would follow God’s instructions. First they were only to gather enough manna a day that they would eat that day. There was no storing up for the future. No stockpiling manna for a ‘rainy day.’ Any uneaten manna was full of maggots on day two! Also, and more importantly, they were only to gather manna 6 days a week. NO gathering on the Sabbath! To provide for Israel they could gather twice as much on the day before the Sabbath and that manna would not rot overnight.

Would Israel be faithful? Would they follow God’s rules or skirt God’s rules???

Well, some did skirt the rules and God saw their hearts.

I don’t receive manna every day, but the Lord still has rules… do I obey?

Honestly, I skirt some of God’s rules, which is why I need a Savior. He is Jesus Christ, the Lord, who forgives my sins and paid the penalty that my sins deserved.

And Jesus is willing to accept and save any rule-breaker who will turn to Him in faith and follow Him in life.

Will you believe? Will you follow Jesus?

Jesus, I would have been no different than the Israelites in the dessert. I would have sinned and grumbled because they are human and so am I. Thank You for Jesus… and for a way back into relationship with You. I love you, Lord. Amen.


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