Saturday, October 6: Isaiah 23- Can't hide from God.

I did a little reading on Tyre, it was a small sailing powerhouse in the ancient world. And because of its small size Tyre was generally left alone by major powers when they roared through and conquered the region. This however was about to change. God's judgment was soon to be realized. No longer would Tyre be a hidden gem, left alone by the large powers.

The Expositor's Bible Commentary notes: The Phoenicians, with their accumulated wealth and their blatant materialism, represented the very type of culture against whose vices Amos in particular warned the Israelites. Until the time of the Assyrians, who had designs on the whole Mediterranean seaboard and its hinterland, this small state and its important commercial cities had been left relatively undisturbed by conflict. From Assyria forward most powerhouses inflicted their will on the Phoenicians.

Pondering Tyre's story brought some interesting thoughts. For years they escaped any kind of punishment/attack as different rulers moved through the area. But then God named a day and said now I will bring judgment upon you for the way you have been living... a way that doesn't acknowledge Me or My way.

Like Tyre I can feel like I am not seen, as if God is not paying attention to my sin. This can lead to false feelings that God won't be bothered with my sin. Thus, I'm okay.

But I am not okay and my sin is mounting up. The story of Tyre reminds me that judgment will eventually come, in God's timing. The story of Tyre also reminds me that I don't get away with sin; eventually in God's timing judgment comes to everyone. Everyone... even me and you.

Have I been hiding from God? Do I think I can hide my sins from God? I can't. God sees and knows everything... and my day will come.

Without Jesus that day would be a disaster, like it was for Tyre.

Lord, I sit here and face myself and my sin. I am far from perfect. I would be lost without your grace and the atonement of Jesus for my sins and the sins of the world. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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