Saturday, September 29: Isaiah 17- Dangerous bedfellows.

The chapter begins with a word against Damascus and Ephraim, which is an alternate name for the northern kingdom of Israel. A prophecy against Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. … The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and royal power from Damascus… (1, 3a)

Why when prophesying against Damascus would God include the northern kingdom? Why is God prophesying the disappearance of his northern kingdom? Because corruption has taken over and His sword will fall to cut the cancer out.

The northern kingdom has grown chummy with Damascus. As I recall, they even imported the gods of Damascus.  So when God judges Damascus, Israel/Ephraim is judged as well.

This makes me think… be careful who you chum around with.

How many shows and stories have I read where friends lead others into bad experiences. Our friends, companions and associates can lead us toward or away from the Lord.

In today's reading friendship with Damascus ends in judgment for Ephraim.

As a Christ-follower I should not cloister myself from people outside the faith. After all I cannot effectively shine the light of Jesus into others lives if I don't associate with them. But at the same time, I need to guard my heart so that their misdeeds don't draw me away from the Lord.

Navigating these relational dynamics can be tricky, still they are manageable if we keep our eyes on the Lord, stay in communion with Him, and listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit along the way.

I remain duly warned to keep my eyes and heart open so that I do not allow others in my life to lead me away from Jesus, my Lord…

Jesus, teach me to rightly evaluate my relationship web. Show me how to be in the world but not of it. Also, help me to be a light for You in my relationships and in my world. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


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