Friday, July 26: Romans 15– Living for others…

      Verses 1-2: We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.
So much of my life is spent thinking about my life; what I need to do today, what’s on my calendar this week, what I want to eat for this or that meal. My lists are endless.
What pricks my attention in these opening verses is the thought given for other people. The strong not pleasing self but bearing with others. The prick became even stronger in verse 2, Paul expands the thought calling each of us to please and build up our neighbor.
Living for the benefit of others, pleasing others rather than self, building others up… these are not natural inclination of my thoughts or heart. They require the effort of reorienting my life daily, hourly, even moment by moment to put others before myself.
This is hard. This is God’s call…
Oh, God, I so need Your help to live this way, the way You direct. It is counter intuitive and counter to my human nature. I know You have given me Your Holy Spirit, so I am not on my own to do this and live this way. Unfortunately, I do not listen well. HELP!
HELP me to overcome my ‘selfish me’ and live out of the presence of Your Holy Spirit. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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