Wednesday, July 24: Romans 13– Spiritual check points…

Yesterday the whole of the chapter presented a picture of how we, as Christ-followers, should practically live differently from people who follow a different code and different Lord.
In that same vein, my heart perked up when I read the final two verses today. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature (13-14).
Two ‘do’s’ and a ‘don’t’:
Behave decently…
Clothe yourself with Christ…
Don’t even THINK about gratifying your sinful nature.
Practical and straightforward life choices that show God’s life and power residing in us.
Behave decently… our world surely can use more people with that as their aim. Just imagine the civility this would bring to the world if people truly sought to live this way. Imagine for a moment what things would look like. Now ask yourself how would my home life, work life, after-hours life look if I lived this way?
Clothe yourself in Christ… put on Christ-likeness. This takes behaving decently to a new level. Think through how Jesus lived… caring for others, praying, confronting evil in the world, teaching the way of the Lord. As Christ-followers you and I have God’s Holy Spirit within us. We can clothe ourselves with Jesus and Jesus-like attitudes and behaviors.
Don’t even THINK about gratifying our sinful nature. Forget about doing sinful things, Paul says.  Don’t even entertain thoughts of sinful living. I went to a Yankee baseball game this week and police were checking every vehicle going into Stadium parking for explosives. Every vehicle was stopped and a visual inspection was made, even under each vehicle. The parking lots are not even connected to the stadium, they are across and down the street! The ‘check points’ have moved out from the stadium to a perimeter further away.
Paul says move your “spiritual check points” from doing to THINKING. Don’t even think about doing wrong. When wrongful thoughts enter your head, CUT them off.  Do not wait until you are tempted to act!
Anyway… there is plenty more contemplation … keep meditating.
Behave decently…
Clothe yourself with Christ…
Don’t even THINK about gratifying your sinful nature.

Oh, God    may my life shine for You, advance Your work in the world, and give You glory and honor and praise. Amen.

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