Thursday, September 5: Numbers 34– Boundaries…

As I churned this chapter around in my thoughts, the word ‘boundaries’ kept rolling to the front. As God established the boundaries of Israel’s inheritance, so I began to contemplate the boundaries God puts around us. God puts these boundaries around us for our good.
Even though my meditations stretch the text, I found myself continuing the meditation on God’s boundaries.
God gives boundaries of time. Night and day; day and night… God gives us a rhythm of rest and work, work and rest. When I stray past God’s boundaries and His rhythm of work and rest, I pay with a rundown body and less ability to cope with the people and things of life that do not go ‘my’ way.
I thought about the boundaries God gives around intimate relationships. Intimacy within marriage gives a man and woman full and beautiful closeness that cannot be matched. Lord, thank you for these boundaries, they keep us safe and allow us to enjoy totally the gift of wife or husband.
Lord, I pray for those who disregard this boundary, that they would find Your mercy and grace.
I contemplated the boundaries the Lord God set around our tongues… to use our speech to build up rather than tear down.
Our world would be a better place if we honored these boundaries more faithfully.
Lord, help me to better keep this boundary or speech.

Lord, thank You for the boundaries You set for life here in Your world. Help me to honor You by keeping them. Lord, I pray, too, that I might see the good in these boundaries, that I might see them as Your protection and love for us. I pray this through Jesus, the Lord. Amen.

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